Category Archives: 44-Redwood Country, CA

A herd of elk – right on Hwy 101

We were driving down Hwy 101 to see the Redwoods and around a bend there was a herd of elk, just grazing along the side of the road.  We pulled over to get some pictures (so did several other cars) just as they started to cross the highway.  Here are some pictures we got:



Coastal Redwoods

While in Klamath we drove through an area containing very large coastal redwoods.  First, a drive down the Newton Drury Scenic Parkway where we saw several incredibly large trees right on the roadway.  Then, a drive to the Lady Bird Johnson grove, for a mile hike through a beautiful forest of ferns and more really, really large trees.

There aren’t really words to describe the size and majesty of these ancient, huge trees.  I did write a haiku (click here to see it).  Here are pictures we took: