Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum

While staying near Portland we drove down to the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum. It was very interesting to see so many airplanes from different eras all in one very large room. When we first walked in and paid admission a docent met us and I asked where was the Spruce Goose? He laughed and pointed up! The plan is SO HUGE that it looked like a wall behind some other displays and was so tall that most of the fuselage and both wings were way above our heads. I had to laugh too!

Of particular interest was a full scale model of Leonardo da Vinci’s “wings” build from his specs. I would not want to have tried flying with that contraption strapped onto my back!

There was a separate building for helicopters and the space museum. They had a replica of Sputnik 1 which was just a round ball with long antennas sticking out! Also, they had a couple of huge missiles and the lander from Apollo 11.

It was a 90 minute drive there from where we were staying (and 90 minutes back!) but it was worth it!

Here are some pics: