Fort Clatsop – where Lewis & Clark ended up

While in Astoria, OR, we visited the Fort Clatsop National Historic site. This was the site where Lewis and Clark and their team spent a winter before heading back to the east coast. This was the land of the Clatsop native tribe who befriended Lewis and Clark and helped them during their stay.

The historic site includes a museum where there is information and artifacts about the Lewis and Clark stay in this area and also a replica of the fort where they wintered. It was much smaller than I thought considering there were over 20 men along with Sakagawea and her baby who lived here during a very wet winter. After four months in the area they headed back east to complete their mission.

We watched a nice video in the museum that was narrated by a member of the Clatsop tribe and told the story of the Lewis and Clark stay in this area from a native point of view. It was very interesting. We didn’t take any pictures in the museum (items behind glass don’t usually photo well). Here are some pics of the fort: