Mt. Whitney and the Alabama Hills – Lone Pine CA

We were in Lone Pine for Jeff to visit his son Dave who was participating the Rally Races with a group he’s part of.

While there we took a drive one day up to Mt. Whitney as far as you can drive, and then through the Alabama Hills.

Mt. Whitney is the highest point in the continental US at 14,505 feet. You can drive up to just over 8,000 feet then you have to hike. We did not hike! We met a lady at the viewpoint where we stopped who was there to hike up the mountain the next day. Today she said she was just going to walk around the area and then stay at a motel in town to head out really early the next day. She was originally from Turkey and had been in the US for all of her adult life. She was married and had two adult kids but they didn’t like to hike so she had to do it alone. She was very interesting to chat with!

The Alabama Hills consist of very interesting rock formations that run for several miles. We saw a few RVs boondocking amongst the rocks.

Here are pics from Mt. Whitney and the Alabama Hills: